A Frame Cabin Plans...
"A" is for Adventurous!

The striking A Frame cabin plans featured here are bold and adventurous . . . even daring at times.  The triangular shape formed by its steeply sloping sides has been present throughout history.  However, it saw a surge in popularity around the globe after World War II, roughly from the mid-1950s through the 1970s . . . . .

a frame cabin plans

Striking design pictured above
by Summit Handcrafted Log Homes

a frame cabin plans

Since that time, architects and designers have modified the shape to express themselves in a variety of unique and imaginative ways!

An A Frame is designed to bear a load in a lightweight, economical manner.  Relatively inexpensive to build, they are very adaptable, enabling architects to experiment with more and more modern designs.

The adaptability of A Frame designs is clearly evident in the two examples pictured below -- each of which differs dramatically from the other.  The western mountain hideaway on the left is from Aspen Log Homes.  On the right is a more conservative midwestern design by Sala Architects.

a frame cabin plans
a frame cabin plans

Pictured below is another unique design by Sala Architects.  Note how the leg of the "A" steps back on the left side and is cropped at a higher level than the leg on the right side.

a frame cabin plans

A Frame Cabin Plans

The lovely A Frame pictured below is from House Plans And More and features a soaring two and a half story living room with a floor-to-ceiling fireplace.  A large wraparound deck expands the interior living space during the warmer months.

a frame cabin plans

a frame cabin plans
a frame cabin plans

The unique waterfront design that follows -- also from House Plans And More -- has both upper and lower wraparound decks for even more outdoor living area!

a frame cabin plans

a frame cabin plans
a frame cabin plans

The unusual -- albeit striking -- modified A Frame log home design pictured below is from Log Castles By Bet'r Bilt.  Featuring a soaring cathedral ceiling in the living room and four bedrooms plus a loft, it has plenty of room for a large family and for entertaining guests.

a frame cabin plans

a frame cabin plans

a frame cabin plans

Regardless of your personal tastes and preferences -- classic to contemporary -- you are bound to find an A Frame cabin plan that is just right for you.  One that will give you many years of enjoyment with family and friends!

a frame cabin plans

Please check back often or subscribe to our RSS feed, as we frequently add new images of A Frame plans to our site.

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